Mitsubishi L200 Tailgate Assist®

Product Details

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Shipping surcharges may apply for non-stock items due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a shortage of container availability. Please call 0117 9640 640 for an update on our stock situation prior to making a purchase. Prices indicated will be for the UK mainland; there may be additional charges for the Highlands & Islands.

About Mitsubishi L200 Tailgate Assist®

For more information please call 44 (0) 1179 640 640 and speak to Andrew or Colin for expert advice about your specific requirements.

The features

  • Easy installation with full fitting instructions
  • One Finger operation
  • Worldwide patent
  • Excellent value for money and outstanding build quality £295 (ex VAT) – £354.00 (inc VAT)
3 Year Parts Warranty
Unique & Patented Bespoke Designs
Excellent Aftercare Service
Excellent Value for Money

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