Just a quick E-mail to say how pleased I am with the Pegasus Canopy. In the past I have had several Double Cab Pick-ups such as the: – Mitsubishi L200, Nissan Navarra, Toyota Hilux plus two previous Ford Rangers. All of which have had canopies fitted by various other manufacturers.
None of these come close to the quality of the Pegasus product fitted to my 2016 Ranger yesterday. The whole process from start to finish has been totally professional, and pleasurable.
I am generally regarded as a fussy individual, I have over time become reluctantly accustomed to accepting lower standards. I am so pleased to have found a company such as yours
providing such a high quality product, complimented by an outstanding installation and support regime. I would have no hesitation in recommending your company to any other interested third party.
By John Nicholson.